What you think how we Aspies are seen by NTs

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03 Aug 2017, 4:43 am

Does other can detect that you're an Aspie :D

What do you think about people from the spectrum of autism?


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03 Aug 2017, 8:06 am

If they know what autism/Asperger's is, then probably. Otherwise they just think I'm weird :lol: .

Hi! I'm Stampy (not the actual YouTuber, just a fan!) and I have been diagnosed professionally with ASD and OCD and likely have TS. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to PM me!

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03 Aug 2017, 1:13 pm

If they know what it is yes. They can detect that your different. At very LEAST socially inept

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I am pieplup i have level 3 autism and a number of severe mental illnesses. I am rarely active on here anymore.
I run a discord for moderate-severely autistic people if anyone would like to join. You can also contact me on discord @Pieplup or by email at [email protected]


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03 Aug 2017, 1:27 pm

Well from what I have experienced, people have always thought I was weird or anti-social.
Sometimes I talked so little some NTs thought I couldn't speak!

Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!

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03 Aug 2017, 1:50 pm

Few NT have heard of aspergers, and of the few who have heard of it very few grasp what aspergers is. And unlike you, and most ASD people NTs doent spend much time thinking about aspies and autistics at all. They have definite views of aspies, but they don't have ANY thoughts or views on aspies as such.

What NT do do is observe the aspies around them without knowing or caring what diagnostic labels the aspies have and they tend to view aspies as folks who are wierdos, but weird for no particular reason.

Its not like other things like homosexuality. Straight men and women may observe a guy as being a bit effeminate, and then deduce that "he must be gay". But they don't ferret out people as being aspie because aspergers is not even on the radio screen of most NTs as being a thing.

The only folks who try to figure out that other folks are aspie are other aspies.

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03 Aug 2017, 9:25 pm

Most NTs don't know what asperger is so they only think we're weirdos.


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03 Aug 2017, 9:34 pm

A quirky regular guy who goes to work and goes back home.

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03 Aug 2017, 10:05 pm

If they spend any amount of time around me, they know there is something different about me. I once had a coworker ask if I was autistic.

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04 Aug 2017, 4:12 am

naturalplastic wrote:

The only folks who try to figure out that other folks are aspie are other aspies.

So we a bit like Hackers, the only person who can catch a hacker is another hacker :mrgreen:

That only person aside psychologist/psychiatrist that could detect aspie is other aspie :mrgreen:


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04 Aug 2017, 4:52 am

I think it depends on the individual:

1. Another individual will listen and attempt to give advice on what one should do.

2. Another individual will listen and tell you they must be on the spectrum as well.

3. Another individual will look at you like you have leprosy.

4. Another individual will assume you have severe mental health issues because of what they have heard about the spectrum.

5. Another individual will watch vaxxed and tell you how sorry they feel for your parents as it must have been hell for them looking after oneself growing up.

6. Another individual will prior to knowing you are on the spectrum enjoy deep conversations then after finding out assume ones depth of expression is again based on a mental illness.

7. Another individual will accuse you of ''faking it''.

8. Another individual will tell you ''you dont look autistic''.

9. Another individual will tell you ''you dont act like a spoilt a***hole''

10. Another individual will tell you they are ''sorry'' when they find out

11. Another individual will ask that i must want a cure when one is available.

12. Another individual will advise bleach enemas as they hear it cures autism.

13. Another individual will assume you are in a bad mood all the time due to resting b***h face and no energy to ''act NT''

14. Another individual will stop inviting you out because you turned down two invites.

15. Another individual will ''tell me'' what autism is.

16. Another individual will tell you they have a nephew/relative on the spectrum and i am nothing like them.

17. Another individual will turn up on your door step unannounced despite asking for a txt at least 30 mins before arriving to mentally prepare.

18. Another individual will use your kind nature for their own gain but are nowhere to be seen when you ask them if they want to hang out.

19. Another individual will see you as a target for a relationship to use you as an object until they feel they are done with you.

20. Another individual will ask you if you ''have ever thought of killing anyone like they do in America!?'' (face palm!)

21. Another individual will think you are a know it all when in reality you are just trying to create a discussion to hear all sides and express.

22. Another individual will tell you to ''just get over it''

23. Another individual will tell you to ''toughen up''

24. Another individual will tell you to ''deal with it''

25. Another individual will tell you at a group gathering it isn't that bad, so why are you sweating and gone all quiet!?

26. Another individual will ask if you are taking drugs because your eyes are so glazed and pupils dilated.

27. Another individual will ask ''why you are so tired all the time?''

28. Another individual will tell you to socialize more and you will likely get over it.

29. Another individual Will tell you , ''you are aloof''

30. Another individual will listen to an idea you intend to implement and silently go and do it themselves and become quit successful ( happened on more than one occasion, gotta stop over sharing! lol)

31. Another individual will tell you to smile.

32. Another individual will tell you to ''piss off'' because they are having a private conversation but one didn't read the body language correctly.

33. Another individual will beat the crap out of you because you are different.

34. Another individual/s will bully you because you are different

35. Another individual will ask you what it is like to be autistic.

36. Another individual will assume you dont have emotions or feel empathy.

37. Another individual will blame my ''sickness'' on childhood vaccines

38. Another individual will discuss eugenics and how it will be a relief to the human race!

39. Another individual will ask why you wear sunglasses in winter and in supermarkets.

40. Another individual will tell you ''you are too sensitive''.

A wise individual will listen, accommodate mutually and accept who you are as an individual and quietly correct you of any mistakes/misunderstandings without prejudice or anger as well as see your unique talents and gifts that often go by quietly and undetected by the general populous.

Think that generally sums it up... Scales are quit balanced, dont you think? lol ( <---sarcasm)


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04 Aug 2017, 5:40 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Few NT have heard of aspergers, and of the few who have heard of it very few grasp what aspergers is. And unlike you, and most ASD people NTs doent spend much time thinking about aspies and autistics at all. They have definite views of aspies, but they don't have ANY thoughts or views on aspies as such.

What NT do do is observe the aspies around them without knowing or caring what diagnostic labels the aspies have and they tend to view aspies as folks who are wierdos, but weird for no particular reason.

Its not like other things like homosexuality. Straight men and women may observe a guy as being a bit effeminate, and then deduce that "he must be gay". But they don't ferret out people as being aspie because aspergers is not even on the radio screen of most NTs as being a thing.

The only folks who try to figure out that other folks are aspie are other aspies.

I'm not sure if I would be considered a neurotypical or not (especially considering the possible dyscalculia that I'm still waiting to be tested on, plus the amount of times people have told me "I wish I could understand how you think", and the studies that have shown left-handed people to think a bit differently to right-handed people on average, also the fact I'm a minority in terms of sexual orientation) but if I am, then I suppose I would be somewhat of an oddity to your rule.

Personally, I spend quite a bit of time thinking about random disorders, usually when I end up looking into theories about certain characters and then end up researching disorders/ conditions that were mentioned in that theory out of interest. However, I know there are plenty of people who don't spend their time doing this. A friend of mine quite recently asked me "How come you know so much about different conditions and their names anyway?".

My dad (who is dyslexic, so not NT but he isn't autistic- and no, I'm not dyslexic) tends to view those with autism as "sociopathic geniuses", and I think that's a common misconception about autism, that it's the same as being a sociopath, when in fact from what I've read it doesn't seem that way at all.

Yeah, I would agree on NTs seeing autism as weird, I knew people at school who were autistic, but before people found out they would often label them as weird, and still did after they found out they were autistic.

That is very true, I've never really heard of people trying to out someone as an aspie (except on a few sites, particularly those whose main audience is those with autism). Perhaps the phrase "takes one to know one" applies here. :D

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04 Aug 2017, 5:43 am

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04 Aug 2017, 7:08 am

My opinion is an NT will see an Aspie just like they look at every other person in the world including other NT's.

If they are the judgemental type they will make judgements regardless of your Aspie status.

In every community in the world ( including here on WP ) there are people who will make allowances for your traits and except you as you are , there are people who will make allowances but make judgments behind your back , there are people who will not tolerate your traits but leave you alone , there are people who will let you know exactly what they think.

This dynamic changes depending on the environment i.e. In the street , in work , at school

I can honestly say in my life that I have never witnessed the type of behaviour most here have received except for the odd bully in school ( 2 people in 1500 ) , I think most people in my life fit into the 2nd & 3rd option I have posted up above. I put myself in the 1st option but will easily go to option 2 with difficult people and also used the 3rd option for people who are a complete nightmare to be around.

I have never knowingly met a diagnosed Aspie , however I have found out that someone that I knew very well was diagnosed after they were not in my life anymore. Since joining this forum I have become more aware of Aspie traits and see them everywhere I look now :lol:

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04 Aug 2017, 7:52 am

I'm sure that most people see me as a wild, crazy guy doing his own thing. That's pretty much me in a nutshell, anyways.

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04 Aug 2017, 7:59 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I'm sure that most people see me as a wild, crazy guy doing his own thing. That's pretty much me in a nutshell, anyways.

Nothing at all wrong with that , wild , crazy and doing your own thing are admirable qualities in my book :D

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04 Aug 2017, 9:20 am

SaveFerris wrote:
My opinion is an NT will see an Aspie just like they look at every other person in the world including other NT's.

If they are the judgemental type they will make judgements regardless of your Aspie status.

We can absolutely tell, unless the aspie in question is very good at masking it. Like other people have said, NTs have varying levels of understanding autism, some don't understand it at all.

And like you say, some people are jerks, and some people are cool. I'd also like to mention that a few people will take your autism as something to potentially exploit. You're probably not going to be able to spot this last kind of person until they've already tried to get something out of you.

User types are not common, but I think some people do run into them more than they should simply because that kind of person is purposefully targeting them. Like how I have this nice flower in my yard that attracts bees. It's not the flower's fault that bees keep coming to it, and it can't very well stop being a flower to get away from the bees.