soloha wrote:
livingwithautism wrote:
soloha wrote:
I got diagnosed under DSM-5. Level 1. Should I not vote, or put Asperger's?
Not vote because ASD of any level does not = Asperger's, even if the psychologist who evaluated you says you have an Asperger's presentation or would have been diagnosed with Aspergers.
I am unsure I agree with you. The DSM-V says if you were Dx'd with Asperger's in IV you are now DSM-V ASD Level 1. If the clinician (neuropsychologist in my case) is using the DSM-V then Asperger's isn't a choice. The diagnosis doesn't exist anymore. When he gave the diagnosis he called it Asperger's but in the paperwork it says "DSM-V ASD Level 1". But the poll is limited to DSM-IV Dx's. Your excluding a lot of people. I'm curious what the purpose of the limitation is? What are you trying to measure?
Also you say ASD of any level isn't Asperger's. ASD is Autism. Are you saying Asperger's isn't Autism (or of the same nature as ASD)? I'm asking these questions in earnest curiosity.
I am not saying Asperger's isn't autism or of the same nature of ASD. I am aware many diagnosticians still use the term "Asperger's" but in the paperwork they put "Autism Spectrum Disorder" if they are using DSM-5. The poll is based on what your paperwork says, not what the doctor "calls it." In your case I imagine the doctor meant you present like someone with Asperger's as opposed to another form of autism. That is not the same thing as a DSM-IV Asperger's diagnosis. This is due to different diagnostic criteria.
1. The point of the poll is to see what categories people were put in before the landslide of the DSM-5 ASD diagnosis.
2. You don't seem to have the DSM-5 text right in front of you like I do, because your information, while close to accurate, is still inaccurate. ASD in DSM-5 isn't Asperger's as defined in DSM-IV. DSM-5 includes people with a "well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified." And that they should be "given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder." There are no severity levels mentioned in the text, so making a guess would be simply that. People are basically grandfathered in. Which is why you shouldn't vote. And actually, they can.
3. I have a different poll for DSM-5.