my skin is itchy all the time. sometimes it is so distracting, i can't focus on anything else. and i frequently break into hives in a symmetrical pattern (tops of thighs, shins & calves, forearms, lower back are the first places). almost anything that touches my skin can set it off. occasionally it feels like bugs are crawling around inside my skin. i lose sleep because of it. when i wake up, the reaction has always calmed down.
it's like my histamines are on high alert and / or my nervous system is over-active. i also tremble really easily when even slightly cold (or nervous) and if i don't get warm within about ten minutes i'm quaking all over, a million muscle spasms.
is this (the itchiness, especially) something related to AS, or is it more likely a food allergy i haven't identified?
i know a lot of people here are intolerant of tags in clothing (as am i).
i wondered if anyone else has a similar thing going on with virtually anything setting off a histamine reaction.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.