I have been in therapy "peeling my onion" for about 7 years now. The last year has been working with the Phycologist that did my diagnosis. One of the recommendations was to see another Phycologist for social skills...I figured I'd give a try...it went something like this .....
First week- talked about goals for therapy. Told him I was not interested in learning to be NT
2nd week- talked about my rigidity, the way I misinterpret facial expressions, my focus on micro details, all or nothing way of thinking, and meeting in the middle of two extremes
3rd week- talked about current events, learning topical sports knowledge and was given the homework of trying to talk with some of the parents at a birthday party my so was invited to.
4th week- told him I saw no point in learning trivial things to make small talk with people that had nothing else to offer
5th week- talked about the fact that not socializing the way others do is a choice. Felt at this time, there was nothing else to gain from this process.
6th week- kept the appointment, discussed how I had hoped this process would be more fruitful. I felt like his approach was doing myself and others a disservice. (I always think that there is a better way to do something than the way it is being done, and I don't understand why others don't do it the better way...this is one of my biggest issues with people I come into contact with in the world) and that was my last appointment.
Not to say the process social skills therapy process is a waist, but maybe for me and having battled through life not knowing I am set in my ways. If we aren't talking about music, drums, guitar, Star Trek, ASD, or life experiences, I'm just not interested. Kind Regards Shark