Adjusting to new ways of doing things ?

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05 Sep 2017, 8:45 am

I am not sure I can explain this very well, but does anyone else get flustered when faced with new approaches to things ?

I will be moving near my stepdaughter and she is talking about my doing more going to the supermarket to shop and less online shopping.
I feel more comfortable doing online shopping and have a routine of kinds albeit a rather simple one. Quite frankly I get thrown organising myself to shop in store , and am bad at making shopping lists. I tend to get overwhelmed by the vast array of items on display and often find myself randomly picking up items that just take my fancy. Call it unstructured shopping if you will.

I know my stepdaughter means well but I am anxious especially as my shopping skills in store are poor.


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05 Sep 2017, 9:08 am

I know what you mean. I have the same problem.

Reminds me of how cats take at least a week to get used to their new surroundings.

I believe many people can relate to what you are going through now.


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05 Sep 2017, 9:18 am

If I was going to list the benefits of modern life (including all this internet stuff) I'd say that online supermarket shopping is way up there in the top ten. If your stepdaughter wants you to get out of the house more, then at least go out and do something you enjoy and not having to lug around a week's worth of bread and milk.
I'm sure she means well, though.
For myself, I tend to panic if something is sprung upon me... I need to count to ten (or maybe a million) and work out the implications of the problem... usually before I decide to stick to the same old same old.

Steve J

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05 Sep 2017, 9:22 am

I signed the contract on a new place ,and will be moving in in a few weeks when my stepdaughter has set everything up.
I'm a mixture of anxious and seeing it as ultimately a positive step. It will mean more support. The anxiety stems from it will be a change of environment ,finding my way around new surroundings and the fact new approaches to things may/will be needed.

I get used to ways of doing things,however imperfect they may or may not be, and get anxious when faced with possible/probable changes to them


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05 Sep 2017, 1:50 pm

If you feel able, ask your stepdaughter, gently (and with lots of shows of appreciation) to help you out for a little while. As long as you don't overload her, she, quite possibly, would be willing to help you. If she "screws up," don't yell at her, or denigrate her in any way.