shilohmm wrote:
That might be an auditory processing disorder, where the brain will take in a small packet of spoken information, and then sort of "sign out" of the conversation to translate it. Problem is, the person giving the directions doesn't know your brain keeps taking intermittent breaks from listening (and you may not be aware of it as it's happening either), and keeps talking, so you end up getting bits and pieces, or only certain steps, of the instructions.
I constantly got in trouble over this until I was old enough to write down instructions -- then I drove people crazy by insisting they slow down so I could get it down, but at least I'd get it all down.
What you've said makes a lot of sense, maybe I should start carrying a mini notebook and pen just for this reason, then at least I'll have peace of mind knowing I've got all the steps of instructions ready to know rather than the usual frankenstein's conglomeration! Looks like I'll be reading up on audio processing disorders for the remainder of tonight.
On hiatus thanks to someone in real life breaching my privacy here, without my permission! May be back one day. +tips hat+