starcats wrote:
Yes to this. It's just lonely trying to find others who care as much as I do. Even other Aspies try to distance themselves from me because I'm too much. I need a dog.
I have this problem in great abundance because when I find someone who wants to listen to everything that I say I tend to overdo it as always. There's a lot of information in this Aspie head.
Aspies like us always tend to scare NTs away because we're very passionate about our special interests and emotional control eludes us constantly. I think they're afraid that we might freak out on them especially in public. Which does tend to happen for me from time to time, actually more often than not.
As far as your dog comment goes that may not be as pathetic or as outlandish as you might think. In my country of Canada, Autism support dogs are on the same level as guide dogs for the blind and can be taken into public places. The effect that a support dog would have for ASDs like us would be tremendous so I'm seriously looking into this although the waiting list is quite long for Canada.
Dogs and especially Golden Labradors have a very calming effect on us and would provide the emotional control that we so desperately need. The fact that they're always there by your side has an overwhelmingly positive effect for Aspies.
*** High Functioning Autism - Asperger's Syndrome ***
Keep calm and stim away.