It's amazing just how hard this one is to answer. I think it depends on how mindless and boring the task is that I'm trying to accomplish.
If the task I'm trying to accomplish requires concentration and there are no other distractions around, the music itself will become the distraction, make me frustrated, and I'll have to turn it off.
If the task I'm trying to accomplish is completely mindless and boring, the music will distract me from the boringness of the task and I will be better able to accomplish it. But for this to work, the task has to be REALLY mindless and repetitive.
If there are lots of distractions around and the task requires concentration, I once again have difficulty answering the question. I'm really not sure whether the music will help me to ignore the other distractions, or whether it will amplify the distractions and just make it worse.
Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder / Asperger's Syndrome.