akn90 wrote:
I haven't addressed it with her. I've had people tell me in the past tell me my frustration with other people not being prompt is a need to control other people, and I that I need to accept that the only person within my control is myself. That it has nothing to do with respect. So I didn't bring it up.
Okay, you can't
control her but you have all your rights to
expect things from her.
And telling about your expectations is absolutely right in such a situation. It's her job to listen!
Moreover, telling about your frustration with people is something totally in place at the therapy sessions.
The art of being assertive is all about telling people what you want in a respectful manner - and that is something you can and should learn, that is something my therapist is encouraging me a lot to do, that makes living with other people better in many aspects. If she doesn't help you with it, she is not a good therapist.
akn90 wrote:
I don't know. It took probably four months of sessions before I felt comfortable talking with her. I feel like I'm fed up with her lack of professionalism, and quite frankly, I don't want to see her again, but it's so much energy finding a therapist.
I think it's worth that.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>