I cut my whole family out of my life & slowly stopped interacting with "friends" because I've never enjoyed the company of others. Even felt a little guilty for not having a good time during family gatherings -- they are seeking a good mood being among friends & family & I've never felt that interested in social interaction. My mother forced me into daycares after school, forced me to attend 2 classmates parties (she didn't force me to do that again after the 2nd one). Don't know why I don't have a good time. Most people are nice enough, some are not. People misunderstand me. They judge me based on their own experiences & understanding of the world. They never experienced the world as I do, so how can they empathize with me if they don't know what it is like to be me.
I do understand them, mostly because of how they tried to force me to participate & observing how they react. For a short time, I tried to mimic their expressions, reactions, emotional outbursts, but it was all fake. Was too uncomfortable, even if I was successful. I'd rather people hate me for being myself (& they do), than to fake my way through life. I was so miserable, suicide was on my mind everyday, & flat out murder would flash in my mind more than is likely normal.
I've been a loner for about 8 years & it has been much better than all of my life combined before. The only time interaction is good for me >> when productive tasks are getting done in a friendly manner. I wish there was a job that required everyone to focus only on the job & not have time to talk about their personal lives or emotions.