OhkaBaka wrote:
My wife was reading a great article about aphantasia the other day (its the inability to see something with the minds eye, to visualize or imagine how things appear), she asked me if I had the ability to imagine the way things looked. Of course I did, (not knowing there was an alternative), I'm an artist... so... obviously.
How could someone FUNCTION without that?
Our conversation looped around to different things until I ended up taking an online quiz about aphantasia that had a couple questions I answered "no" to instead of an obvious yes... and I made a shocking discovery about myself.
I'm somewhat faceblind... which is not the discovery, I've known that most of my life, even before I knew it was a thing that had a name. I identify people by a number of factors, and while, if I'm looking at you, I can tell its you (sometimes you might need to talk first)... but...
This quiz asked me about places I've been or imagined, and if I could see them clearly... and yeah... down to the details on the gravel loosely gathered at the corner of the sidewalk...
I can't visualize my wife's face... or my son...
Thats not right! I proclaim, before stumbling on the WEIRDEST part... I totally have this image of my wife in my head when she cut her hair... or my son as a baby peeking out of a cardboard box.
Then I realized those are ACTUAL IMAGES... I remember, in detail, what my wife and son look like in pictures because I can remember the pictures, not the moments.
A few days ago I passed a woman on the street, she had stupefyingly beautiful eyes. I stared longer than I should have because I was disarmed. It is a bit embarrassing to say because I don't tend to react like that, but I just got lost for a moment. These were probably the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.
Eventually she passed me, and I was on my way again. It only took several seconds for me to lose my perception of her. I have no idea what she looked like. I couldn't tell you why I thought her eyes were beautiful. I can't imagine what I saw, literally.
I've been discovering some other really cool but potentially REALLY mental personality bits associated with this, as well as some personal insight into things like being able to read expressions... and I wondered what our fair community thinks?
Are you faceblind? Can you remember faces when they aren't in front of you (at different levels of importance, too... I THINK I can remember my mom's face from right before she passed... I think I can remember my dad's face... I get momentary flashes of other peoples faces but I can't hold them)...
Share your feelings, I wanna know!
Aphantasia is not face blindness.
As others have pointed out, prosopagnosia is the name for the condition for having great difficulty identifying faces.
Aphantasia is the inability to visualize something. For example, can you visualize a tropical beach with white sands, blue water, palm trees above the high water line, a hot sun? Some people can apparently visualize that in their mind and see it as though they are standing on a beach looking at it.