Niamh wrote:
I get nauseous and I get tense enough to be sore after, and my emotions go all over the place. So basically shutdown makes me ill. Does this happen to you?
Sometimes. But I don't associate it with meltdowns (I rarely have full blown meltdowns), but more with not honoring my limits.
Niamh wrote:
I used to work as a waitress in the summer holidays
Waitressing one summer was by far the most stressful job I have ever held. Not only are you dealing with the public, but in my experience you co-workers are big socializers and find it really odd that you aren't.
Niamh wrote:
I get a nasty swooping feeling in my stomach, like a mixture of nausea and missing a step on the stairs.
I get this anytime I try to push myself past my tolerance levels. I'm trying to resume going to church, and I find it easier to go on weeknights than to the big Sunday service, but every time I decide I'm going, the whole day before I'll have that feeling.
And the next day (or more) it'll be one of those two, depending on how things went I suppose:
Radiofixr wrote:
I feel very out of sorts for a day or too after a meltdown.Just a wrung out feeling.
C2V wrote:
I feel half concussed, half hungover, my head is pounding, and I literally feel drugged. Just exhausted even though I slept, agitated but tired at the same time, nonverbal, stomach is playing up and I just feel totally drained to the point of confusion.
I'm not sure about all the symptoms, but certainly the nausea and dizziness and weariness and confusion are associated with anxiety or some other internal stress. As are meltdowns and shutdowns, I should think, although personally I can't always pin down the actual trigger for either. I just know I'm crazy stressed and the world is too much for me and I just can't. And sometimes it isn't anything specific, I've just over run my limits in general I think. Although when that happens I am hyper sensitive to triggers related to my abuse as well.