I'm not diagnosed, so I can't say. I suppose how I view my problems could change drastically if I was. As it is, I would rather not be autistic, whether that's my reality or not. Unlike many who lack any tangible diagnosis by their adult years, I'm not one of those who can "pass." I can't function in most ordinary situations, and pretty much everything I want to pursue is impossible because of that. I'm severely limited, so no matter where my issues come from, if I could obliterate them, I would.
Of course, I accept that this is the way my life is and will likely be forever. I'm not gloomy about it, either. I will rewrite my plans for the future and try to live as best I can, given my circumstances. But acceptance is different from embracing autism. I won't do that.
Ultimately, I don't despise my myself or my problems, but neither do I see any reason to celebrate being different when those differences are a source of pain.
I have not the kind affections of a pigeon. - Ralph Waldo Emerson