xxZeromancerlovexx wrote:
I don't feel any different than a NT female my age. I don't sit around and give autism any thought. I just enjoy my life and have hobbies a normal person does like video games, reading and watching movies and anime. It's really stupid when people think having autism means you love Special Olympics, science and all of that stuff. People like that are very annoying and stereotypical.
Unfortunately, most NT females your age that I know don't do that. They rather blab on their cellphones, shop for expensive clothes and shoes, fawn over celebrities like Matt Damon or Brad Pitt and how "hot" they are, read sappy Amish romance novels, watch sappy TV shows, listen to sappy pop or country music, and go to church because they fear they will go to Hell if they don't. You are much more unique and interesting.
I dislike the stereotypes as well. I have no interest in Special Olympics nor would I fit in because I don't care for team sports. I have dyscalculia which makes math difficult for me so I hate it. I have some scientific knowledge but I am no professor. I hate how autistic characters in popular media are usually portrayed as being overly scientific and pedantic. We are individuals just like NTs are.