Retired PhD, hard sciences, who worked for decades in the areas where science meets healthcare. Different jobs - science/healthcare expository writing, project management in public health, both for a range of employers and with a range of foci. Wanted to teach at the university level, didn't happen, decided the communication aspect of the work I chose instead was the next best thing.
Few regrets. I believe that the society in which I live has gradually become less civil, more predatory, and at this point I am no longer sorry that I never had children, because I cannot imagine a future for them that is other than inimical. I saw this social devolution in my work and workplace, both of which became progressively more vicious and exploitative, and not only to me - not by a longshot. Tried management, but wasn't willing to harm people for no apparent reason other than profit or ego, and headed back to the trenches ASAP.
Am grateful that I could support myself, and was able to retire. Have no intention of working again, except possibly volunteering (put my time where my beliefs are). Presently recovering from major burnout because, being Aspie, I was never able to give anything but my all, and my best. My best was very good indeed, and I believe that was my major protection against abusers and their flying monkeys; my Aspie ability to hyperfocus was sufficient to protect me from most of the pain of ostracism during the latter years. Had a few good colleagues who valued who I was as much as what I could do for them - they, like me, generally stayed in the trenches; that was all the company I needed.
Been loved (all four varieties: storge, eros, philia and agape). Loved back (likewise). Glad of it. Not sure there's as much of any of that on offer these days - more and more, people seem to treat others like commodities, while wondering why they are being treated like commodities.
Have critters (furclad) and have had critters nearly all my life (50+ years). Couldn't live without them - I suspect literally.
No longer concerned about human love of the "nesting" variety; I've had ample opportunity to observe my co-workers over 3.5 decades, and the things people inflict on one another, and/or on themselves, in order to preserve their relationships - or convince themselves that they are doing so - floor me.
My deepest regret is that I have lived through a time when the arc of the universe is bending as far away from justice as possible, as rapidly as possible, with as many sociopaths as possible hanging onto it and pulling it down, and most of the NTs around me seem to be either oblivious to this or all for it. I was young in a time of social aspiration, belief in progress, yada yada; it's hard to look at this present, and believe this is where that past really intended to go.
Finally - being a science and science-fiction enthusiast, I take great comfort in the idea of parallel universes. Out there, somewhere, the hopeful past led to a far better present, and some version of myself is there and giving, and happy as hell. Meanwhile, in my particular continuum, there's jazz, there are critters, there is coffee, and I have lived as fully as I could, and done as little harm as possible.
( Damn, will you look at that, I just did my life review. So how do you like your brown-eyed girl, Dr. Erik Erikson?)
"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people," said the man. "You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides."
-- Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!