Trashikawa wrote:
I'm stoic and level headed in a crisis. For example, a few months ago I broke a glass and cut my right hand severely only a few hours before I was due to travel to the airport for an international flight - I was calm enough to disinfect the wound, take a photo of the glass to send a complaint to the manufacturer, contact the airline on my way to the hospital, and pack both myself and the friend who drove me an overnight bag using only my left hand.
When I'm not in crisis mode, I still get stressed extremely easily from things as trivial as talking to family or friends on the phone. I still have trouble sleeping from worrying that I've done or said the wrong thing to someone I care about. I still get anxious if I don't have enough time to prepare myself mentally before leaving the house.
I'm the same , I'm an anxious mess internally most of the time but have been told I am cool headed in a crisis.
Personally I think I'm self absorbed in my own problems 99% of the time so if a crisis happens it's a distraction and snaps me out of it.
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