Back on March 15th, I went down to UW madison to be assesed as part of their study on autism spectrum disorders.
Now on July 1st, I head back down to madison to participate in part two of the study which will be me getting stuffed into an MRI machine so researchers can see my brain at work and they stimulate it through auditory and arual means in an effort to bring out my autistic tendancies like they did during my testing back in march.
Although I have no idea where they decided I lie on the spectrum (I'll have to ask when I get down there), the literature I recieved as part of the MRI info packet says the MRI is for "people on the autism spectrum" and that I was "elligeble to continue in the study"
Besides revealing the structure of my brain, they also say they'll be able to see how my brain is wired and watch it work in real time.
After all of that is done, I get to take the WAIS.
Pretty cool if you ask me. I can't wait to go.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...