giaam wrote:
First off, congratulations on achieving the position. I think logicaly you have achieved this on merit alone, and if no-one knows of your condition all the more credit to you. Part of being a good manager is letting people have the space to funtion within their role and ability, so if they suport and help you great, let them. I doing so you are managing the office instaed of trying to control it as some micro-cosm. The only weakness you are displaying is the lack of faith in your own ability. I suggest that you carry on as before doing whatever it is that got you the promotion, it obviously works well

to be honest the first four years were pretty much forced becuase i was in the military during that time..the last two years have been harder then i thought mainly because with the military there are strict guidelines which must be obeyed....with me when there is grey i tend to get confused...
i try and they already think i am slow.....i try not to think about it that much and try to see things from their perspective but its about a 50/50 chance to work.. i will usually get angry from being offended or say something really off the wall or overly agressive...either way i would rather be the cool calm quiet guy that everyone has come to like, but i find it harder to differentiate between being assertive and an a***hole...ive been the "nice guy" and that role just sucks all together...
the conventional view serves to protect society from the painful job of thinking.