HistoryGal wrote:
Sometimes you just don't want to make idle conversation with people whom don't care much about you and vice versa.
Yep, which is what has caused me to make a stand tonight.
The issues we in the UK are facing are life and death situations and if you try to raise them here it is glossed over in favour of bs chit chat type subjects.
We are unable to collectivise as it seems to be frowned upon to speak about what is occurring to us therefore curtailing any solidarity or much needed support and advice we can collectively provide.
LostGirl - The latter part instantly brings you to mind, we're going through exactly the same thing at the same time and i feel incensed that our (i don't mean me and you i mean the 10s of 1000s) collective experiences are not being heard or understood.
There are many people over time who will have come here for help, not received any, left and committed suicide, they dont get the chance to come back and share what happened.
Once again i shall repeat. Leading cause of death in those with Aspergers - Suicide.
If this is the leading ASD site it is highly likely MOST of them will have tried to find help here. Think about that.