Hi, My name is Adam and I’m a designer / inventor based in the UK.
I’m just 25 years old, and I started out as a designer of experiences for theme parks, but recently I have been developing experiences for the benefit of children (and adults) with a wide range of sensory issues, and I wondered if people here think that my latest project would be able to help those with Aspergers / Autism
Its kind of hard to explain what it does in words, so I build a small website with lots of photographs on it here: http://www.visualvoicepro.com so hopefully that gives you a better idea.
So far the software has been very successfully used in 2 centers in the UK and 1 in the USA. It fits in really well with a “sensory room” or “snoezelen” style environment.
The entire experience has been designed based on requests from parents and care-givers of people with autism, cerebral palsy, and all sorts of behavior disorders. So I am very keen to hear what anybody thinks, good or bad, any suggestion is welcome.
I think that new technology can form an exciting and interesting form of therapy.
Also, if you have any questions or suggestions or if there is anything at all that you think would be interesting, please e-mail me or get in touch via the website www.visualvoicepro.com
Thanks, and if this project isn’t helpful to you, please consider passing the link on to someone who might find it useful.