I do like dogs, but I tend to get on with cats better in general. Dogs are often enthusiastic and can be overwhelming. Dogs sort of remind me of interviews.
As a part of interviews, you are expected to sound enthusiastic to a certain degree, people aren't going to take you on if it sounds like you're not even interested. But the thing is, if I'm not 100% super interested in that particular thing, then I find it difficult to sound enthusiastic. I'm not good at faking emotions.
Even with things that I'm partially interested in, if I'm not completely interested then I tend to sound like I'm not interested at all. I remember when I was younger and applying for work experience, and my parents worried that I wouldn't get this particular placement because I didn't sound interested enough when speaking to the place I was applying for.
Personally, I've never liked this expectation that some people have of being super happy, enthusiastic, energetic and loud.
Can't I just be calm and happy? Just because I'm not 100% enthusiastic and bounding around the place, doesn't mean that I'm not happy. You see work experience and job forms that say stuff like "Do you consider yourself an optimist?" "How about appearing cheerful?" "Do you smile a lot?" of course if I answered honestly to those questions, then I wouldn't even be considered.
For dogs, this stuff just seems to come naturally because they are pretty much 100% interested in things. They have excellent senses, but many do not seem to get overwhelmed and bound along in life with no issues. Sometimes I almost feel jealous.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.