Firemonkey, honestly, I think Aspies are the TMI Tribe.
I call it "Hermit Syndrome". We spend a lot of time alone, we're even alone when we're with other people a lot of the time - odd man out even in our own families (see ladyelaine's post about attention hogs and being invisible!).
So it can be rare that we "connect" or click with anyone, and when we do, one of two things happen -
HEAD FOR THE HILLS! (we run for cover) or:
THE DAM'S A-BUSTIN! (we spill our guts).
At least, that's how it goes with me. I'm better at catching myself now, but yeah, I think this is partly due to how we are wired (lots of details), and partly due to what we've experienced (a lot of isolation and loneliness)
Edit in: the thing is, other people do share this kind of info. They just do it in different places, with different people, with more "tests" that people have to pass before they'll share.
Edit in again: I have kind of a rule for myself about this site. Anyone can say anything here and as long as they're not being mean or hateful I'm going to accept it as just a human thing from another human being. Because this is supposed to be a safe place for us and that means it HAS TO BE a place where we can be ourselves. Doesn't mean I will agree with everyone, but I try damn hard to accept.
"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people," said the man. "You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides."
-- Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!