Yeah, I had no idea where I was going wrong for the longest time back in the 90s as a young adult (before my ASD diagnosis in 2001). It was like, people would tell me indirectly (via others) that I made them uncomfortable or "weirded them out", mostly females of course, even though I had no depraved intent.
I always thought "well it's THEIR problem, not mine" - but the thing was, they were making it *my* problem, by excluding me from this and that and starting unjust rumours (defamation in some cases). I almost got banned from uni campus and lost a job b/c of it.
In the early 2000s, still in my 20s, I got speech and nonverbal therapy, and rehearsed more using certain movies and mirror, and then I stopped hearing those comments.
Hang in there!! don't give up, don't give in.