ladyelaine wrote:
People have called me anti social even though the correct term would be asocial. There are people who claim they have autism in order to excuse their horrible and nasty behavior when they really probably are anti social.
It is a noticeable trend in these fora(the parenting subforum moreso), parents and spouses misinterpret autistic's behaviour as manipulation, lying, stealing and so on , in the meantime those who are faced with actual antisocial people misattribute that to autism.
ASPartOfMe wrote:
In America there is a massive push to get kids diagnosed as early as possible, so they can receive ABA. No consideration is given to the possibility that children mature at different rates and that one skill may develop slowly while another skill may develop earlier than average. If a marker is missed a lot parents panic.
There is a current study about the US which is currently circulating the internet news sites. It states that the number of new diagnoses remained stable for the last few years ... but is still way too high, double the population percentage that
I would expect to be autistic. But I'm aware of my biases towards the topic. That prompted me to start that thread to be sincere.
not diagnosed
sorry for butchering the english language and obsessively re-editing my posts.