it is a tie, first time was my first bout of homelessness, there is no more lonely a feeling than being destitute with nowhere to turn. 2nd time to tie, was when I was phuqed up but good by a few deer who crossed my path while bicycling up in the hills surrounding my home, it was early evening, dusk, and I was thrown from my bike over the handlebars, hard onto the ground, in a puddle of my own blood, no houses around, just woods with a steep drop-off either side which, had I the rotten luck to have been knocked down either hill, would never have been found again. anyways, with nobody to help me, I had to drag me and my wrecked bike with one hand, leaning on it for support while dragging it, an excruciating process, the approx. 3 miles to home, where I hadda drive myself to the ER. for about a week I had no visitors, not even a chaplain, nobody to talk to. the medicos did their job but did not really talk to me too much. just me in that hospital room with the tv set to keep me company.