Is this an issue with anyone else? I’ve noticed that when a lot of people are dating or in a relationships, they say stuff like honey, deer, and sweetie.
I’ve tried to use such terms a few times, because it seems like a normal thing that people do and like doing... but it feels really unnatural to me. It just seems plastic and fake to me and I can’t understand it no matter how I try. I mean, I know People do it as a form of affection, but I still don’t get it. It’s hard to explain how it makes me feeling.
I also get a little bit uncomfortable if somebody uses terms of endearment on me... but I can usually deal with it... it’s a lot more hard for me to deal with if I don’t know the person. I don’t know how to respond to it and I think it makes me get weird and distance myself from them a bit.
When I see other people doing it to each other, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable... but it still seems theatrical.
Sorry for the long rant. I’m just curious if anyone else has an issue like this and how the deal with it.