HeroOfHyrule wrote:
I was born premature (2-3 months premature?). Something that's interesting is a good portion of my cousins with ASD traits/full on autism on my dad's side of the family were born quite premature, too. I've always wondered if whatever gene(s) we have make premature birth more likely.
I was born a month early. My dad's side also has a history of prematurity. However, historically this pattern has occurred in the males of the family. Until me as far as I know. My mum originally thought I was going to be a boy. The pregnancy apparently felt different than being pregnant with my sister somehow. So she assumed she was having a boy. The Ultrasound was somewhat inconclusive, I was curled up and didn't want to budge. However, the nurse told her that she was likely having another girl based on my heartrate stats. I was small and didn't weigh much but already I was a bit gangly in the limbs. Over the years paediatricians predicted that I would end up tall and sure enough I did.
There were differences between my older sister's behaviour and my behaviour. Mainly how quiet I was as a baby, people found it a bit odd but they weren't complaining. I did have a habit of throwing things when I wanted attention though, which was less well received.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.