Guess who spent the whole weekend locked in his room, hiding from
— the landlady,
— her husband, boyfriend, lover or whatever he is,
— the other tenant, and
— possibly his girlfriend or whatever she is, who had fairly loud sex with him in the living room, in broad daylight, another similar weekend, when they both probably thought noöne else was around, but maybe they did know there was someone and did it out of defiance and to mark their territory.
Guess who did actually pay the rent, even though most readers probably assumed he didn't and that's why he was hiding.
Guess who does actually do all the housework he needs done, since he knows damn well noöne is going to do it for him, even though the first of these guesses probably makes him look like too much of a sluggard to bother.
Guess who hates small talk, too, but knows better than to criticize it at this point, being aware that it's normal, healthy human behavior favored by natural selection for millions of years, whereas his own behavior is the mentally defective one.
Guess what? If you don't like guesses, guess what you can do—go read elsewhere and leave the guessers alone.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.