I've got to tell you guys, never go on a sightseeing trip to the fjords in Norway! Boy do those voids call! Personally I can't do anything like ski-lifts or open mountain lifts as I just get so obsessed with jumping. None, of that is suicial for me though, it is just highly uncomfortable.
The time period of my life, brief but horrible, when I was suicidal I would go out and lie in the snow until I couldn't feel anything. It might have been the lamest and tamest way to commit suicide but I was 14/15. Even then it was more of a coping strategy. And I always got up and walked away.
This might not resonate because again it is a though pattern that I came up with when I was 15 in response to my own suicidal thoughts and it is fairly juvenile.... but what got me out of it was the realisation that not having to preserve ones life was in fact a great freedom.... it meant one could really do anything one wanted, go anywhere one wanted and not be stuck worrying about ones safety and getting it right. There were so many adventures to be had. That is what I thought then. Now in having lots of those adventures, taking risks, being free I have so much to live for.
"I will file you under "L" for people I love most. "