Scottish autistic girl battered by school restraining

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06 Mar 2018, 2:12 am

Autistic girl battered and bruised after being restrained at school

A mother is suing her local council after her autistic daughter was injured when she was restrained by staff at school.

Claire Nossiter's daughter Lyndsay, then aged 16, suffered bruising to her face and a swollen jaw after she was restrained at Bothwellpark High in Motherwell, Scotland.

Her mother has since called for staff to face charges over the actions, which the local council insists were in the interests of safety, reports the Daily Mail.

After prosecutors decided not to bring two members of staff before the courts, Nossiter vowed to sue local authorities

She wrote online: "If I had done this to Lyndsay she would have been removed from my care but because it's North Lanarkshire Council staff it's okay.

"On her medical notes the doctor wrote too many bruises to count. Our justice system should protect the most vulnerable."

The Scottish Government has previously faced calls to tighten rules on when physical restraint can be used.

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06 Mar 2018, 3:38 am

That's horrible. It's seems as though school authorities want to kill off the youngest members of the autistic population. It's very sickening and there's no need for that.

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06 Mar 2018, 4:19 am

More sensationalised rubbish from the Daily Mail the same rag that published more sensationalised rubbish about parents using an autism diagnosis as a badge of honour or excuse for bad behaviour.

As the mother, the journalist and nobody here has the slightest clue what happened automatically assuming that the school is wrong is bigoted, ignorant and very damaging.

Constantly trying to play the victim card and whining that everyone hates us is very damaging to the community as a whole.


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06 Mar 2018, 4:22 am

TallsUK wrote:
Constantly trying to play the victim card and whining that everyone hates us is very damaging to the community as a whole.

I do not regard that most people harbour animus or condescension toward us out of any free will.

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06 Mar 2018, 4:25 am

Tequila wrote:
TallsUK wrote:
Constantly trying to play the victim card and whining that everyone hates us is very damaging to the community as a whole.

I do not regard that most people harbour animus or condescension toward us out of any free will.

Are you saying that the majority of people are deliberately being nasty to autistic people?


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06 Mar 2018, 4:31 am

TallsUK wrote:
Are you saying that the majority of people are deliberately being nasty to autistic people?

I'm saying it may not be their choice. Autistic folk are often targeted as they are freethinkers.

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06 Mar 2018, 4:34 am

Tequila wrote:
TallsUK wrote:
Are you saying that the majority of people are deliberately being nasty to autistic people?

I'm saying it may not be their choice. Autistic folk are often targeted as they are freethinkers.

So you think that the majority of non autistic people are nasty to autistic people because of their autism?


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06 Mar 2018, 4:47 am

TallsUK wrote:

So you think that the majority of non autistic people are nasty to autistic people because of their autism?

No, I think they are made to be nasty. Many of us would not have the problems we do if the very nasty psychological abuse and surveillance, even of private moments, were removed. We would be happy, productive and successful members of our societies. The heart of our communities.

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06 Mar 2018, 5:16 am

Tequila wrote:
TallsUK wrote:

So you think that the majority of non autistic people are nasty to autistic people because of their autism?

No, I think they are made to be nasty. Many of us would not have the problems we do if the very nasty psychological abuse and surveillance, even of private moments, were removed. We would be happy, productive and successful members of our societies. The heart of our communities.

So let me get this straight. Non-autistic people are naturally really nasty and therefore go after autistic people. If it was not for these horrible non-autistic people holding you back you would be a really successful wonderful person and you would have a fantastic life. That must be really terrible for you.

I am much luckier. The problems I have are cause by non-autistic people ignorance. They simply don't know any better. However, lots of non-autistic people I know stop doing their dumb stuff when they realise it is causing me a problem.

Do you think might be because I am willing to take responsibility for my life instead of expecting the world to hand me my perfect life on a plate without having to do anything for it?


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06 Mar 2018, 5:37 am

TallsUK wrote:
So let me get this straight. Non-autistic people are naturally really nasty and therefore go after autistic people.

Autistic people are made to participate too. Like I say, it is not anyone's natural state. It's a worldwide scandal of unbelievable severity. Many go through horrific ordeals that the mind is made to repress, to block out.

TallsUK wrote:
If it was not for these horrible non-autistic people holding you back you would be a really successful wonderful person and you would have a fantastic life. That must be really terrible for you.

I never said that. I called for an end to coercion through both technology and human beings.

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06 Mar 2018, 5:41 am

I never said that. I called for an end to coercion through both technology and human beings.[/quote]

What does that mean?


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06 Mar 2018, 5:50 am

TallsUK wrote:
What does that mean?

Various tactics. Affecting one's vision; hearing voices; mondegreens in song and media; terrorisation from agents of the state; electronic harassment (computer hacking, et al); psychological torture through the brain; intrusive comments about very personal matters; interference with personal living space by moving objects or light fittings; hiding personal belongings and placing them elsewhere; very personal abuse and torment from neighbours, friends, family and strangers; forced or coerced drugging; false obesity; unnecessary and regular medical appointments and regular, pointless meetings with 'mental health' professionals; medical ailments that go unexplained; chronic fatigue; insistence on mental illness (psychosis) that is false.


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06 Mar 2018, 5:55 am

I am not opposed to the NHS but it must never be involved in this illegal, immoral and deleterious 'pact' between it and shady private companies. The Service must be focused on voluntary care with the liberty and autonomy of the individual as its core principles and a new pledge to uphold the values of Hippocrates.

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06 Mar 2018, 2:12 pm

The person who started this thread also posted another about the boy at a London school who had to wear a vest. It looks like you have been searching for news stories.

However, the papers love to write about when things go wrong, but it creates an unbalanced picture because there are no stories about the many schools who have the right kind of support in place and are working hard to give every child the best chance in life.
And yes, we are not hearing the whole story here about each case. There are times that things go wrong, because everyone makes mistakes, but there are procedures in place which will mean that cases like this will be investigated. So I do not think that rushing to judgements and conclusions based on a news article is helpful to anyone.

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06 Mar 2018, 11:41 pm

I'm anything but a freaking victim. I live a very happy life and I'm very proactive in getting what I want and I'm willing to work for my own money to buy my own things. Might doesn't make right, it makes people rebel.

The Family Enigma