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19 Feb 2019, 11:17 am

Vocal volume anyone ? This one really confuses me. My stepdaughter says I have a loud voice. It's true it can happen when I get agitated but otherwise I've not noticed. In fact there are plenty of times when people have misheard what I said or asked me to repeat myself,indicating the opposite problem.


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19 Feb 2019, 5:14 pm

My left vocal cord is paralyzed, it has been since I was born. This has given my voice a very soft, raspy quality, like someone with laryngitis. I’m forever being told that people can’t hear me and that I need to speak up, it’s physically tiring and makes my throat hurt after a while.

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19 Feb 2019, 9:53 pm

"most people's" normal talking voice is loud enough to hrrt my ears

Lil dipshits have the nerve to grunt "huh" and "what" at me, like it is the etiquette equivalent of "excuse me"


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19 Feb 2019, 10:52 pm

When we're out and about, my flatmate occasionally tells me to be quieter. I have never thought of myself as loud though. At home she complains that she can't hear me. I can't win!


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20 Feb 2019, 6:52 am

Too quiet when I pluck up the courage start speaking, building up to way too loud if I get onto a subject I'm passionate about. I just don't seem to have much sense of balancing my volume against background noise or other people's speech (and of course, the room always goes deadly quiet just as I reach peak loudness and say something that is really stupid or potentially offensive if taken out of context.)

My bigger problem is that I mumble quite badly unless I'm concentrating. The way that my accent flies around Britain, even within a single sentence, probably doesn't help much, either.

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20 Feb 2019, 7:07 am

I've always been told I speak too loudly and I couldn't really control it in long run.
I automatically speak with a softer voice when wearing earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones, despite I'm told most of the people do the opposite.
My conclusion: I hear everything louder than other people and my loud speaking comes from instinctive adjusting to outside noise.

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