Spiderpig wrote:
I like the idea, as long as we build a new village from scratch or settle in one already abandoned. Not that I think we'd actually be able to dislodge any extant neurotypical inhabitants, by the way.
However, what would we do if somehow the village grew prosperous and began to attract neurotypicals?
We'd designate a less desirable part of our growing utopia for them exclusively to live in . Also, we'd implement a rule that they need to have a sign on their clothing, making visible their status as NTs. Yes. I can see no perilous historical precedent to this idea whatsoever.
redrobin62 wrote:
The Soca Valley in western Slovenia has 14 villages, or settlements, ranging in population from 376 (Plave) to 3227 (Solkan). Most are around 1,200 hundred, though. One could be ideal for an autistic settlement provided everyone there is on the same page. Of course, internal conflict can be expected if people are of varying races, creeds, religions, political affiliations, languages, countries of origin, diets, occupations, sexualities, positions on the spectrum, and so on.
"No ma'am, this is the village for autistic cis-het male vegan liberal atheists. You need to go past the village for the black transexual deaf conservative wiccans, and then you'll get to the village for the jewish paleo-diet crossfitting environmentalist women who speak portuguese."
I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.