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little gator
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27 Mar 2019, 7:39 am

My results form the "Aspie test"

Neurodiverse 107/200
NT 99/200

this osudns borderline ot me, but just barely neurodiverse.


Arthritis makes me type badly. I do my best.
"Aspie" 107/200
nt 99/200
working on getting diagnosed either way


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27 Mar 2019, 8:42 am

Female autism may need to be diagnosed with someone with the appropriate expertise. As the lady who wrote
Autism in Heels discovered, it was easy to to get her boys diagnosed, but it took a while to get her daughter diagnosed. You may benefit from reading this book to get the female perspective on autism.

quite an extreme

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27 Mar 2019, 3:56 pm

I did score nearly the same. (Aspie 107/200 and NT 114/200)
I know that I'm a bit on the spectrum but I doubt that an official diagnosis would help me with any of my problems. But I'm still learning what makes me different and what my advantages and pitfalls are. :)

I am as I am. :skull: :sunny: :wink: :sunny: :skull: Life has to be an adventure!


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27 Mar 2019, 7:24 pm

A diagnosis may allow you to discount the need for treating something else.


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27 Mar 2019, 9:19 pm

Middle as well I think? 114 Aspie, 95 NT.

Does anyone know how/where to put that info so it shows up when I post comments? I've noticed some people seem to have that automatically in their info up top or as a sort of signature line in each comment, but wasn't sure how to do that.

~AQ 32; not formally diagnosed.~


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27 Mar 2019, 9:52 pm

I have taken that same online test a number of times.

In fact I go into different mental modes when taking it. Sometimes I go into "myself as a school kid" mode and answer for myself as the person I was at ten or 15, and sometimes I take it as the grown up I am now.

With the former I get similar results to you - about 100 for each- ambiguous. As the later I get "probably neurotypical".

But when a pro gave me the exhaustive test (interviews of me, and family, and the battery of tests), and sent it off to the panel to analyze I was diagnosed as aspie with flying colors. And the diagnosis feels right.

So that test is not super reliable. Its for, what they call, "entertainment purposes only".

We are a roughly the same age and have internalized certain NT ways of thinking so my guess is that you really are aspie, like me, and that the test skews us both toward the NT end of the scale.


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28 Mar 2019, 12:16 am

I think the Aspie test tends to put people who are indecisive as having both Neurotypical and Neurodiverse traits, which I find to be kind of strange because indecisiveness is a trait that many people with ASD share.

Most other tests have a "forced decision" where you don't have an option to answer completely in the middle for any question. I got a similar result to you the first time I did the Aspie test. When I did the test again, making an effort not to be indecisive and only choose the middle option where I really thought I had to, I came out much more solidly Neurdiverse.

On every other test I've done, I got results that were much more solidly having ASD, but as I mentioned above, most of these other tests are "forced decision".

On the AQ test (Autism Quotient, available at, I scored 36 the first time I did it, where 26-31 is borderline and 32+ is probable ASD.

On the EQ test (Empathy Quotient, available at, I scored 12 the first time I did it, where anything 30 or less is probable ASD.

There were other tests too, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder / Asperger's Syndrome.

little gator
Blue Jay
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28 Mar 2019, 8:57 am

Ihope i am autistic. It would explain so much. waiting ot arrage diagostics.

Arthritis makes me type badly. I do my best.
"Aspie" 107/200
nt 99/200
working on getting diagnosed either way


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28 Mar 2019, 9:01 am

It's an online test. They are usually seen as "screening tools."

I don't put much credence in them as actual diagnostic indicators.

If I knew you in person, I probably would have a better idea as to your "Spectrum" status. But I, as a layman, wouldn't dare diagnose you. I can only offer my impressions.

That's really what these online tests do. Offer an impression, but not a definitive answer, or even something akin to a definitive answer.


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28 Mar 2019, 9:11 am

I think it is possible to diagnose someone online. For instance, someone who can have a lengthy discussion with many walls of texts and remember the entire content from everyone is most likely an Aspie. "Normal" people don't have that sort of memory.


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28 Mar 2019, 9:19 am

I feel like that's more in the realm of "possibility/probability" than something definitive. It's quite possible that the person is an Aspie----but to say that this something which is "diagnostic" for it would be taking things too far.

A person could have a phenomenal memory----yet be socially proficient. Lucky him/her!! !! !!

I don't have a phenomenal memory--yet I am autistic.

Last edited by kraftiekortie on 28 Mar 2019, 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.


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28 Mar 2019, 9:27 am

If you have good social skills why would you be here asking if you have autism?


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28 Mar 2019, 9:31 am

Who knows? Maybe the person is a perfectionist?

I've known people who actually have excellent social skills---yet believe they lack the "social graces" for various reasons.

Basically, what I'm saying is that if somebody writes a "wall of text," it is more likely that the person is "Aspergian" than someone who writes concisely. But it still is not definitive evidence of "Spectrum status."

I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt; if they say there are autistic, then I assume that they are autistic. I don't argue with "self-diagnosis." I feel like "self-diagnosis" is frequently valid.

But the online screening tools do not a diagnosis make.


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28 Mar 2019, 9:50 am

I have been accused of "not being autistic" because I tend to write concisely----if not somewhat tersely.

I'm not a "wall of text" sort of person, either in thought or in deed.

But I am, definitely, autistic.

little gator
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28 Mar 2019, 12:12 pm

If you mean me, I odnt' have the greatest socialskills and my psychaitrist sai di might be autistic.

Arthritis makes me type badly. I do my best.
"Aspie" 107/200
nt 99/200
working on getting diagnosed either way


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28 Mar 2019, 12:14 pm

One thing good about the "middle"

The Buddha preached about what he termed "The Middle Way."

Between abject materialism and abject asceticism.