HistoryGal wrote:
Ferris, you try being someone's esteem booster all day and walking on egg shells. I'm sure you would tire of it. This is the stuff autistics are told not to pull on the job. Wouldn't you like your coworkers to not need constant reassurance of awesome they think they are? I've worked in various teams where these problems did not occur. Anyway if my post rubbed you wrong, it was not my intention.
No your post did not rub me up the wrong way , I've had to do exactly that to keep a job , what I meant by my post is if you come across as understanding some people will use you as their crutch all the time because you give off the wrong signals. Shut them down a.s.a.p , don't give them what they need apart from what the job description states. Unfortunately though sometimes you have to put up with loads of s**t just to keep a job , it's a catch-22.
R Tape loading error, 0:1
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard