It would suprise me if the Autism Society does not reply to you. If they don't though, ring them.
I went through my local Autism society and I feel it is the best choice I could have made.
Thing is though the person you emailed may not be there full time. I know most of the workers at my society do not work every day. So you may not get a respnse straight away like you would if you ring.
And the thing is you do not have to worry about how you come accross on phone. You can be yourself with these people as they understand our comminication.
So in answer to your question, if you don't here from them, ring them. And even ring them anyway.
I am very happy for you that the school is working with you!!
A single room would be brilliant.
(I had to think for ages and ages about what a 'single' is. LOL)
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