Fireblossom wrote:
Is it okay to ask what brought the change? Did you have to move to another town because of a job or studies? Or did you just need some space?
I actually had to move out to another town in August of last year because of my studies, but my financial situation at the time didn't allow me to get a rental apartment, so I settled for a free dorm room provided by the school. Without going to excessive detail, it was hell living in there. I'd decided that I wanted to move out of there by this summer, which ended up happening slightly earlier than planned.
xatrix26 wrote:
At 43 years of age this is something that I still struggle with as I've been evicted twice due to excessive noise that I've made due to meltdowns, stimming, etc. Perhaps letting your landlady or landlord know about your condition may give them the chance to be a little more forgiving if you happen to have a meltdown that the other tenants can hear?
My AS isn't really so bad as to require such attention on itself. I barely stim, and my worst meltdowns happened when I was a kid - nowadays, they're prolonged bursts of grunting and other such noises at worst. Nothing I consider worth concerning my landlord and neighbors with.
Lost_dragon wrote:
As in, free University/College dorms? Do they have free ones available in Finland?
Some Finnish vocational colleges (such as the one I go to) and folk high schools offer free accommodation - universities less so. Most university students here have their own rental apartments, and pretty much the only other option is to live with your parents and go to university by means of public transportation. The latter was how I lived back when I studied in university before changing school.
“They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.”
― Kurt Cobain