BeaArthur wrote:
If you find it helpful but disruptive in your work, try speaking without voicing - forming the shapes with your mouth, but not emitting any sound. Or speak in a whisper.
Yes, this is what I try to do as much as possible, but it has a habit of "leaking out" once I get into a hyper-focused state (which is when I'm more productive, of course). There's also some aspect of actually hearing my voice say a command which seems to make it more effective when I'm getting stuck with initiating a task, though less so once I've actually managed to get started.
leahbear wrote:
No need to be embarassed about it.
Yes, you're right, I do realise that I can't help it and should be less self-conscious about it. I think the fact that I curse a lot makes me more embarrassed about it. It's an odd thing, because I generally curse very little in conversational speech - maybe I'm worrying too much that people will think I have a hidden "dark side".
LaetiBlabla wrote:
...not eagy wig a tooshbrush and tooshpashte in ge moush
So I'm not the only one that ends up with toothpaste all down my chin, then!
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.