Exuvian wrote:
Sheldon's traits are largely plot-bound, but you're right that they fit with AS.
ronald1957 wrote:
Post Stigma goes Stigmata
How so?
Well first; I was a blue baby with a hotdog grabber indented in my head. So I clearly feel abducted from the get go. Failed Grade 2. Had to go back for a highschooL history credit. And all attempts to have " the talk " was sabotaged primarily by me... If it ain't broke don't fix it prevailed. So now I am more in a retrospect movie of myself... with a life mostly misunderstood. I'd rather stay in the matrix, then eat this drippy snott.
It's playing the same country with a different dance, and ya don't really know where home is. I am not digging a dirt pile through my kitchen window as an unconscious E.T reaction. But this growing ET autistic tribe; is my choosen symbol; of my own self denial a-la-carte. My probe Nomad is in perill. Must sterilize... Analysis ....Analysis
Yes, I have been caught with " you are what you hate " with my pants down. I have taken the full crash course of hypocrisy. The circle is complete,.. all is one! Still feels like a simulation error... and I am the cancer