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Blue Thunder
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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14 May 2018, 1:14 pm


I am looking for a well qualified occupational therapist in Washington State or Alaska who specializes in adults with sensory processing disorder. At 37 I am finally able to articulate that some days I feel like I am being burned alive. This led to a life where suicidal thoughts started at age 7, and then heavy medication from age 23 to 35. The meds did not help and I felt dead inside so I am going for natural ways to cope. I have made peace with who I am and want to do what I can so my whole being can get the most out of life.

Thank you,

Blue Thunder


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14 May 2018, 1:27 pm

The University of Washington at Seattle has a fairly prominent autism program. I recommend you email or call them with your question, as a good starting point. Some of their graduates might be candidates for working with you?

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14 May 2018, 4:45 pm

Blue Thunder wrote:

I am looking for a well qualified occupational therapist in Washington State or Alaska who specializes in adults with sensory processing disorder. At 37 I am finally able to articulate that some days I feel like I am being burned alive. This led to a life where suicidal thoughts started at age 7, and then heavy medication from age 23 to 35. The meds did not help and I felt dead inside so I am going for natural ways to cope. I have made peace with who I am and want to do what I can so my whole being can get the most out of life.

Thank you,

Blue Thunder



Hope that helps.

Perhaps, speak with the clinic director and ask them to help match you with an OT with the skill set you will need. :D


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14 May 2018, 4:47 pm

Blue Thunder wrote:

I am looking for a well qualified occupational therapist in Washington State or Alaska who specializes in adults with sensory processing disorder. At 37 I am finally able to articulate that some days I feel like I am being burned alive. This led to a life where suicidal thoughts started at age 7, and then heavy medication from age 23 to 35. The meds did not help and I felt dead inside so I am going for natural ways to cope. I have made peace with who I am and want to do what I can so my whole being can get the most out of life.

Thank you,

Blue Thunder

which of your senses are affected?
is it mostly your skin?