Someone with autism, and it's equally true for brain injury, can benefit by using aids in the environment to structure some of one's time and activities. These aids can be either internal (hunger, sleepiness) or external (the sun rising, an alarm clock set for the same time every day).
Your own body contains a circadian rhythm, and it can be re-aligned daily to an external cue (sunrise, an alarm clock, a set bed time, set meal times). Then you can also interact with your circadian rhythm to your advantage, for instance noting what time of day you do your best work and scheduling around that.
Why would an autistic person why to use these tricks? Because we need every bit of help we can get! Secondarily, these tricks roughly align with the structures of society (work starting at a set time), so it may actually help our social success if we can keep to a common timetable.
I have always disliked holidays since they upset my routine, I have trouble when Daylight Saving Time starts or ends, and any big changes in schedule require me to think a lot more about what to do next. Using routine and environmental cues makes me as effective as possible and saves my "executive function" for more pressing matters.
A finger in every pie.