Aniihya wrote:
High functioning means that you are able to function pretty much independently. People with low functioning autism rely on constant supervision. That is why they make the differentiation. It means you dont have a severe learning disability. Just because people use the addition "high functioning" wrong doesnt mean it is discriminatory or useless. Trying to get rid of the differentiation is like saying chronic hepatitis is the same as acute hepatitis or like saying the "paranoid" in "paranoid schizophrenia" is discriminatory when it actually differentiates it from "histrionic schizophrenia" and "catatonic schizophrenia".
Not trying to be a smart alec here, but there is no such thing as "histrionic schizophrenia." I get what you mean though, and I agree with it to some extent, although I wish that so called "low-functioning" people weren't differentiated as being low-functioning solely based on intellectual or cognitive disabilities. There are a lot of people with severe autism who are speculated to have an intellectual disability, but actually are extremely intelligent, and there are also those with major cognitive deficits that hinder their lives just as much as autism does. I just wish there wasn't the whole autism=intellectually disabled stereotype out there, because it doesn't give people on the spectrum with severe communication deficits that prevent them from expressing their intelligence enough credit.
Hi! I'm Stampy (not the actual YouTuber, just a fan!) and I have been diagnosed professionally with ASD and OCD and likely have TS. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to PM me!
Current Interests: Stampy Cat, AGT, and Medicine