Prometheus18 wrote:
I feel the same way and I'd dare say most people on this site do.
If I lived in Alaska I'd build a log cabin in the wilderness and live as a hermit for the rest of my life.
Ah, The Alaskan Dream. I've thought about it often.
I'd also say that, aside from being in quiet and solitude, peace also comes on overcast days. When it's overcast, my muscles/body are less tense, and I feel more like myself.
When I used to have an office job, I attended a few business conventions. I actually took my lunch into a bathroom stall and ate it there because I just needed to decompress from all the noise, lights and activity. I needed a break so bad and that was the only place I could think of to go.
For years I've had dreams where I'm trying to find the bathroom in a very crowded place, or even trying to eat in a crowded bathroom. A desperate search for the relaxation others take for granted.