Here's a link to a test about the Stroop Effect. The Stroop Effect refers to how it's harder to read the word for a colour if its colour does not match its text:
I'm particularly interested in how people with Synesthesia score on this (and I know there are at least a few here). I'm curious whether constantly seeing colours with everything will make the test easier, since you're used to dealing with stuff like this, or whether it will make the test harder since it's even more colour input to have to disambiguate.
For me (I don't have Synesthesia), my median response time when the colour matched as 1004 milliseconds. When the colour didn't match, my median response time was 2088 milliseconds. So it more the doubled for me, and slowed down by more that a full second. Apparently most people slow down by about 400 milliseconds.
Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder / Asperger's Syndrome.