LisaM1031 wrote:
I wasn’t looking for a definitive answer since I know no one here can give it. I just wanted some general opinions to get an idea of where my (suspected) AS came from since i’m Trying to figure it all out.
If you're looking for half way, general idea type stuff without actually seeing a psychologist, your father could try the AQ test here:'s probably a bit better than having us try to tell you whether traits you list are likely caused by ASD. That said, the impression that I have from you is that he wouldn't likely be willing to do such a test. And even if he is, it's still not conclusive. The only way to know for sure is to talk to a psychologist.
One other thing: from the way you're talking, I'm not sure it would be good for your father to know he has ASD. If he does, it might provide an explanation for some of his difficulties, but there is very little support available for adults with ASD.
I'm a bit worried that he might take a diagnosis as confirmation that he can't do anything and end up resulting in him digging in even further to the negative habits you describe. For good to come from a diagnosis, he has to be willing to work on things.
Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder / Asperger's Syndrome.