I certainly enjoy dancing, and it has attracted notice quite often, and some interesting (though no doubt deliberately tactful) comments. I feel like I can only dance if the music just makes me do it, so I can't dance to music that doesn't suck me in - I like lots of syncopation and even music in odd time signatures.
I certainly can't dance "like" someone else or in a particular style, just as my regular posture is a bit off and I have an idiosyncratic walking gait. And, as Kraftie mentioned, I can't dance "with" other people, in fact, I need a fair bit of space around me, as I lose awareness of the other dancers, and folks are likely to get an accidental black eye or stomped feet if they venture too close - I've hurt myself quite badly a couple of times by stumbling into people or furniture. People who crowd the dance floor and then barely jiggle themselves while also trying to chat to someone and hold a drink really, really annoy me!
There are definitely some common themes to the kinds of comments I get...
- That I dance with my "whole body". Makes sense; I don't feel like I'm consciously controlling my body at all, that's part of the enjoyment.
- "Where can I get what some of what you've been taking?" Ironic, as I was never into "dance drugs", and if the music is funky enough, I don't need chemical assistance to get my groove on.
- Comments along the "dervish" or "shaman" kind of lines. I the sense that I'm lost in the music, true. It not a "spiritual" thing for me, but maybe it is a kind of "super-stimming".
- That I seem to be really enjoying myself. Yes, I am. Thanks for noticing, hope you are too.
I don't like it if there's a break in the music or something else happens to snap me out of my trance. As soon as I get too conscious of what I'm doing, I feel like a rag doll randomly waving its limbs around, lose the beat, and get a rush of being incredibly self-conscious. I get the impression sometimes that because my dancing is strange and very enthusiastic, people think that I'm showing off for attention, but I don't really like being the centre of attention, and nothing could be further from my mind when I'm mid-dance - my "dervish trance" is really quite a private thing, and it blanks out the fact that there are spectators.
Sorry for the long post - I had no idea I had so much to write about dancing - haven't had a good boogie for ages, I think I'm missing it!
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.