Being too negative. Complaining too much. Being too nervous and too stressed. Talking about my anxiety too much. Stressing others. Answering with facts when such an answer was not expected or desired. Not remembering names.
I often get the feeling I only get along with people that share some of my interests, like music or literature or computer stuff (actually, I'm interested in a lot more things...). When there's a connection, people often start to like me and are interested in me. Otherwise, it's really difficult, because people are bored. I wouldn't even call them special interests, there are really many things I am interested in. I'm just not able to talk about the weather. I have no idea what people talk about if they are not interested in good movies, literature, music, arts, psychology, computer science, physics, history...
Of course there is always something I have in common with someone...but it's not always that interesting. So, you have been to Barcelona, too? Great. I will ask you if you liked it there and what you did there, but somehow it's boring for both of us. So you played the flute when you were little? Many children did, it's not an interesting conversation topic. So you like shopping? I don't.