iliketrees wrote:
I have both myopia and astigmatism in both of my eyes so contacts would be complicated. I believe you need hard or weighted contacts or something. Just seems more trouble than it's worth and knowing me I'd either be annoyed by their entire existence, put them in wrong, or fall asleep in them. Glasses you pick up and put on your head and take them off to shower, sleep, or clean them. Not to mention I'm used to pushing them up so if I'm not wearing them I'd end up poking myself in the eye and damaging the contacts or something.
You are getting close to the 1000 posts mark.
You also need to take off classes when you are going swimming and when you are jumping on the trampoline, at least it's a good idea, my brother broke his glasses twice jumping on the trampoline.
"God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with prime numbers."
-Paul Erdos
"There are two types of cryptography in this world: cryptography that will stop your kid sister from looking at your files, and cryptography that will stop major governments from reading your files."
-Bruce Schneider