Dts888 wrote:
...hitting, screaming, breaking things, etc....
...my best friend (who has autism) basically said that I have it...
...my father isn't understanding with it claiming this is a big act to get something.
My first-ever meltdown (at about age 13) was definitely a meltdown, but at the time I also knew it might help me gain something I wanted. Hitting people and destroying property are crimes, so even having an official diagnosis would not give any of us a pass for doing those kinds of things without consequence. Your father might never believe your meltdowns are not mere efforts at manipulation, but your efforts to stop or to at least better-control "hitting, screaming, breaking things, etc." will definitely be impressive. So, maybe let him know those things concern you and that you would like to possibly talk with a counselor or therapist who might be able to help.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.