One of my special interests is arc welding. It started when I was young. I would often watch videos of arc welding or look at photos of it, being fascinated by the sparks. I've had dreams involving watching someone else weld or even doing it myself. Whenever I saw or heard somebody weld, I would watch, sometimes with the arc in direct view. If it was in direct view, I would take a quick glance and then avert my gaze to avoid damaging my eyes.
This special interest was further intensified when a girl in my class did MIG welding for her 20% Project. She knew the basics of MIG welding, and so did I. She learned from her dad, and I got jealous and wanted to do it too, but my parents wouldn't let me. One day in class, I heard a faint electrical buzzing sound, and when I went over to see what was on the girl's school iPad, I saw that she was watching a video of herself practicing MIG welding. I gave her a thumbs-up to show my approval. She had made a big metal flower and vase with MIG welding. She encountered problems such as having to wear long-sleeved clothing in hot weather and getting burned by the sparks a little. She also had to use a smaller welding helmet.
Is this special interest too weird?
I am no longer using WP. Please PM me if you want to talk.