HistoryGal wrote:
So I continued in regular classes being bored but not understanding why.
I even got transferred to a mixed 4th/5th-grade glass halfway through 4th grade because I was in a class with a lot of low-level kids and one other smart kid and was very bored. But my dad was a teacher there, so he talked to some people and they agreed to switch me. I was fortunate. (I did feel overwhelmed at one point from the workload in the new class.)
HistoryGal wrote:
Special time outs for counseling sessions to learn social skills.
Oh, I had some sort of counseling session for a while. I think it was speech therapy? Maybe? But I remember who one of the other girls in there was, and she didn't have a speech issue afaik. She was kind of rowdy/rough. So I don't know what that small group was about.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.